Saturday, January 8, 2011

ASEAN Cyberkids at TELMIN

ASEAN Cyberkids at the TELMIN Gala Night

The 10th edition of Telecommunications and IT Ministers' Meeting (TELMIN) will be held from 13th to 14th January 2011 at The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. TELMIN is a meeting of the ASEAN ministers to establish strong regional ties in telecommunication fraternity within ASEAN countries.

Students and teachers from three Malaysian schools has been selected to represent the ASEAN Cyberkids under the invitation of Minister of the Ministry of Information, Communication and Culture of Malaysia (KPKK), who is the host of this event.

A 3-minute video of the ASEAN Cyberkids 2010 will be shown during the Gala Dinner on the 13 January. The schools that have been invited will also be performing on the Gala Night. The three schools are SMK Merotai Besar, Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar and SMK Teluk Panglima Garang.

For more information on TELMIN, click here >> NEWS ON TELMIN &

Asean Cyberkids Camp 2010




Asean Cyberkids Camp (ACC) merupakan kesinambungan daripada Maxis Cyberkids Camp Fasa 1 dan Maxis Cyberkids Nasional Challenge. Maxis Cyberkids Camp 1 telah diadakan pada 18 - 22 Mei 2010 di Hotel Flamingo By The Lake, Jalan Hulu Kelang. Dalam Kem Fasa 1 yang kesemuanya melibatkan 4 kem termasuk kem di Sabah dan Sarawak yang terdiri daripada 56 buah sekolah terlibat. Daripada jumlah tersebut 7 buah sekolah terpilih mengikuti Maxis Cyberkids Nasional Challenge yang diadakan di Ancasa AllSuites Resort & SPA, Port Dickson pada 1-4 Oktober 2010. SMK Telok Panglima Garang (SMKTPG) telah terpilih dan berjaya melalui semua kem tersebut sehingga ke peringkat Asean Cyberkids Camp yang diadakan baru-baru ini.

2.0 Maklumat Kem

2.1 Nama Kem: Asean Cyberkids Camp

2.2 Tarikh: 20 – 27 November 2010

2.3 Tempat: Cyberview Lodge Resort & SPA, Cyberjaya

2.4 Penyertaan negara Asean:

Malaysia, Singapura, Indonesia, Brunei, Thailand, Filipina, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, dan Vietnam.

Pasukan Jemputan: Sri Lanka dan Sekretariat Asean beribu pejabat di Indonesia.

2.5 Anjuran

Sekretariat ASEAN, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia, Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia dan Maxis Berhad dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia.

2.6 Perasmian Penutupan:

2.6.1 Disempurnakan oleh YB Dato' Joseph Salang Gandum, Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia.

2.6.2 Dalam persembahan sempena majlis penutupan ACC, Aqmal Afiq mengetuai persembahan ‘Funk the Junk’, sementara Raja Farizal dan Logivamalan terlibat dengan tarian. Nurul Syahirah pula bermain muzik. Video tersebut boleh ditonton melalui URL berikut:

3.0 Senarai Peserta Asean Cyberkids Camp dari SMKTPG

Guru Penasihat/Fasilitator


Cyberkids/Junior Fasilitator





4.0 Penghargaan

Pasukan ACC SMKTPG ingin merakamkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada:

4.1 Maxis Berhad kerana memberi kami peluang menyertai Kem Fasa 1, Nasional Challenge dan Asean Cyberkids Camp.

4.2 Barisan pentadbiran SMKTPG yang sentiasa memberi sokongan dari peringkat awal lagi sehingga pasukan berjaya ke peringkat Asean.

4.3 Persatuan Ibu Bapa dan Guru SMKTPG yang memberi sokongan moral dan menaja jamuan makan sempena Majlis Pelancaran Cyberkids@SMKTPG serta menaja jaket semasa ACC.

4.4 Guru Besar SK Kebun Baharu (SKKB), guru-guru dan pelajar khususnya yang terlibat dengan program Cyberkids SMKTPG sama ada program yang diadakan di SMKTPG mahupun yang diadakan di SKKB.

4.5 Masyarakat Orang Asli Kg. Sg Bunbun, Pulau Carey yang memberi tunjuk ajar tarian sewang dan menyediakan kostum tarian sewang untuk dipersembahkan semasa Nasional Challenge dan ACC.

4.6 Tn Hj Burhanudin Radzi - Pemilik Les Copaque Production (Upin & Ipin)

4.7 Guru-guru dan para pelajar SMKTPG yang membantu dan memberi sokongan moral sama ada secara langsung mahupun tidak langsung kepada pasukan SMKTPG.

Sebenarnya kejayaan pasukan SMKTPG sehingga ke peringkat Asean merupakan kejayaan bersama semua pihak yang telah memberi sokongan kepada kami. Tanpa sokongan tersebut pasukan SMKTPG tidak mungkin mencapai apa yang kami capai ini.

5.0 Penutup

Asean Cyberkids Camp 2010 telah berjaya memupuk budaya semangat berpasukan, perpaduan dalam Asean serta mengaplikasikan ICT dalam kehidupan harian para pesertanya. Selain itu, melalui kem ini para peserta juga dapat bertukar-tukar pengalaman tentang kebudayaan dan bahasa negara masing-masing. Aktiviti yang dijalankan juga dapat mengeratkan hubungan dan perpaduan sesama peserta melangkaui garis sempadan negara antara mereka.

Sementara itu, aktiviti Asean challenge selama tiga bulan selepas kem berakhir yang akan dijalankan di negara masing-masing akan terus mengekalkan hubungan antara fasilitator yang terdiri daripada peserta Malaysia. Fasilitator akan terus membantu serta memantau projek dan program yang dijalankan oleh negara ‘cluster’ masing-masing.

Sesungguhnya, peranan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia (SKMM), Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaa (KPKK), Sekretariat Asean dan Maxis Berhad serta kerjasama Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia dalam menganjurkan Asean Cyberkids camp ini amat terpuji dan patut diteruskan.

Bergambar bersama Timbalan Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia Y.B Dato' Joseph Salang, Pengerusi SKMM Tan Sri Khalid Bin Ramli dan YM Raja Tan Sri Dato Seri Arshad Bin Raja Tun Uda, Pengerusi Maxis Bhd , pada 26 November 2010.

Dari kiri En. Mohamad Ruzi Mohamed Shamsudin, Nurul Syahirah Bt Saharudin,

Aqmal Afiq Syamsul Bahri dan Raja M. Farizal Raja M Ghazzali

Pasukan Malaysia diwakili oleh dari kiri Chew Pan Soon SMK Tatau, Sarawak, Amer Syuib SMK Kamil, Kelanatan, Logavimalan a/l S. Chandrasegar, SMKTPG, Selangor dan Azrul b Abd Wahid,

Maktab sultan abu Bakar (Johor)

Guru-guru fasilitator Malaysia bersama guru-guru negara Asean

En. Mohamad Ruzi bersama pasukan Myanmar serta junior fasilitator iaitu Andy Bintang dari SMK Pasir Putih, sabah dan Iman Naqib Bin Khairul Anwar dari Maktab Sultan Abu Bakar, Johor.

Berdiri no 2 dari kiri Nurul Syahirah Saharudin dari SMKTPG bersama pasukan Filipina

Dari kiri Aqmal Afiq dari SMKTPG bersama pasukan Sri Lanka

Raja Farizal (empat dari kiri) bersama pasukan Cambodia

En. Mohamad Ruzi sebagai fasilitator duduk bersama pasukan Myanmar sebagai ‘cluster’ SMKTPG

Pasukan Myanmar menyampaikan cenderahati kepada Pengerusi Maxis Berhad, YM Raja Tan Sri Dato Seri Arshad Bin Raja Tun Uda

Pasukan Myanmar menerima hadiah kemenangan sebagai johan pertandingan sempena aktiviti ‘Techno trip’ dan 'Info Hunt'

Pasukan SMKTPG menerima sijil penghargaan daripada Pn. Salmah Ahmad, Pengurus Kanan CSR Maxis

Logavimalan, Afiq, Raja Farizal dan Nurul Syahirah(SMKTPG) bersama peserta lain sedang menari ‘Joget Malaysia’ diiringi oleh pemuzik dan penyanyi ‘Funk The Junk’ ACC.

Pasukan SMKTPG menerima cenderamata drp Pn Salmah Ahmad, Pengurus Kanan CSR Maxis

Logavimalan (SMKTPG) menerima cenderamata daripada YB Dato' Joseph Salang Gandum,
Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan.

Tarian sewang oleh pasukan SMKTPG sempena majlis alu-aluan untuk peserta negara Asean

Timbalan Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan Malaysia Y.B Dato' Joseph Salang (2 kanan) menyempurnakan penutupan Asean Cyberkids Camp 2010 di Cyberview Lodge Resort and Spa, Cyberjaya. Turut kelihatan Pengerusi SKMM Tan Sri Khalid Bin Ramli (kanan) dan YM Raja Tan Sri Dato Seri Arshad Bin Raja Tun Uda, Pengerusi Maxis Bhd (2 kiri), pada 26 November 2010.

Video Majlis Penutupan Asean Cyberkids Camp 2010

Persembahan oleh peserta Asean Cyberkids Camp 2010

Nota: Capaian berkaitan Asean Cyberkids Camp boleh diperoleh melalui url di bawah:

1. Kementerian Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan :

2. Portal Maxis Cyberkids:

3. Portal Maxis Cyberkids SMK Telok Panglima Garang:

4. The Malay Mail:


6. Berita Harian:

7. Sunday Times Online (Sri Lanka):

8. Harian Metro:

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Maxis Cyberlinq 2007 Competition results

Congratulations to all Maxis CyberlinQ 2007 Competition winners! The competition ended with a bang on 17th December 2007 at Crowne Plaza Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. Mr. Sandip Das, CEO of Maxis gave away the prizes to all winners that night.

Maxis CyberlinQ 2007 Competition results:
1st Prize : SMK Sung Siew, Sabah
2nd Prize : SMK Seri Bintang Utara,W.P Kuala Lumpur
3rd Prize : SMK Telok Panglima Garang,Selangor
Consolation Prize : Maktab Rendah Sains MARA Mersing,Johor
Consolation Prize : Malay College Kuala Kangsar,Perak

Monday, November 5, 2007


This project couldn't be done without the help of other community..
~ The Industrial Community : NEC Semiconductor (M) Sdn Bhd, Cognis Oleo~Chemicals Sdn Bhd.
~Leader of the Society: YB Dato' Seri Dr. Shafie b. Hj Mohd Salleh ( Kuala Langat's Members Of Parliment and National Chief Scout), and Dato' Hj Abdul Fatah Iskandar (ADUN Telok Panglima Garang)
~PTA's Chairman : Yang Berbahagia Dato' Hj Sulaiman Karli
~School Administrators
~Friends : Scout
~Local People of Kg Sg Judah :
Especially Tok Batin who give us permissions to do our project here and being very supportive
~Cikgu Rita, who is volunteering to take over the place. ~Lina, our link between us and the people of kg sg Judah.

With the help from all of them, this project is possible to be made. We are certain that this Mini Library will always be here with Tok Batin and Cikgu Rita here. We will try to oversee the Mini Library as often as we can. We'll try to give them ICT lesson and we hope that this will be an en going relationship.

Fact of the mini library:
-Name :Mini Library
-Adress:Kg.Sg.Judah,42960 P.Carey,Selangor Darul Ehsan
A-books-Acedemics Books:
STPM = 43
SPM = 88
UPSR = 133
PMR = 194
OTHERS = 116
*TOTAL = 574
-Magazine,Fiction,Story Books&Novel:
*TOTAL =1079
-All books:
Magazine plus Academics Books= 1079 + 574 = 1653 books in our library
B-Shelves-20 chairs & 2 tables
C-A set of computer with scanner,photocopy&printer(all in one printer)

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Week 12

We do our final touch up at the library and were visited by YB Dato' Seri Dr. Shafie b. Hj Mohd Salleh who unofficially launch our mini library project. And that was it. We come, we saw and we conquered. Our project is finally finished after several months of hardworking. Now we can finally rest and all we can do now is wait, finger crossed for the result. And oh yeah!!, study for our final exams

(The Orang Asli are uncomfortable to studies with their home conditions)

(Now, with our mini library, they can studies in comfort conditions and the also can discussed with their friends )

(Candid with YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie and scout)

(Candid together Avant-Garde team with Orang Asli)

(Our Team Leader with YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie launching our Mini Library)

( Cikgu Ruzzi have a little discussion with the reporter from Sinar Harian for our project...huhuh)

(Our teammate Lina, is teaching the Orang Asli about the ICT)

(YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie reading some poems for the Orang asli)

( Show around YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie in our library)
( YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie visit our mini library)

(together we customize our library for the final touch..huhu)

We received 6 boxes various books from Penerbitan Cerdik Sdn Bhd sponsored by YB Dato Seri Dr. Shafiee Mohd Salleh MP of Kuala Langat. Fortunately, there are new books from the publisher. It contains academic books , exercises books and also some encyclopedia for general knowledgement. Then we went to Kg Sg Judah to rearrange and put the book at the rack that we bought yesterday. Today we also have a visitor from Orang Asli children.

(Rearranging and put the books at the rack)

(Orang Asli Kids likes to reading at in our Mini Library)

(The academics books after being arrange)

( Picking up some books for reading)


We went back there to install a brand spanking new computer courtesy of Dato' Haji Abd. Fatah b. Haji Iskandar,member of selangor exco with a scanner, photocopy and printer. It's quite fabulous actually we also bought new bookshelf to contain all the books we have. We give out our first computer lessons to the local kids. They seems very inauthentic with the computer and we taught them how the computer function and all the basic need-to-know.

(Teaching orang asli how to use the computer)

(Installing the new PC that sponsored by Dato' Haji Fatah b. Iskandar)

Week 11


It's Saturday and it's raining.We again went back to Kg Sungai Judah to do our final touch at the Library.We start organizing the books and pick the books and magazines that is suitable for them.It's hard work because we received a lot of book and not all of them are in a good condition,so we have to get rid of some of it.After finishing our work,we have our lunch.Suddenly,we were visited by the local children who looks eager and excited to see our work.They went directly to the books on the shelves and started going through the books.It's very heart warming because this is what we came for.... to give them the joy of reading.And our work here is done.
(selecting and rearrange books and magazine that suitable for the library)

(Our Teacher, Pn Fatimah Ahmad is preparing Nasi Lemak for lunch...yummy)

(Relax and having some Nasi Lemak after finish rearrange books and magazines)

(The final result..huhuhu..)

(our first visitor,..huhu...seems like they were comfort reading and having fun in the library )


At 3 or so pm,two of our members went to Kg Sg Judah to oversee the arrival of the shelves,tables and chairs that we bought some time ago...

( We are putting up the bookshelf together with the orang asli)

Week 10


Today we went to Cognis Oleo~Chemical Sdn Bhd and meet up with Mr Solomon John J.Dass and En. Najib. We received a praise from En. Mohammad Najib Rashid(Regional Human Resource Director) for our Project. Then, at 11.00am in a hurry, we went to Perpustakaan Desa Olak Lempit to retrieve some books for the library. We receive a generous amount of books courtesy of Perpustakaan Desa Olak Lempit.

( Our team Leader, Hilmi is presenting our presentation to En. Mohammad Najib Rashid(Regional Human Resources Director), Cognis)

(With Cognis Member)

(Selecting some English books for the library)

Week 9

Week 8


We're taking a leave for 2 weeks for Eid Mubarak or Hari Raya.

Week 7

Saturday (6/10/7)

It's Saturday and we've got a lot to do today. We went to Kg. Sg. Judah to paint the building. We've got help from the school scout. It's very tiring considering that most of us are fasting and it's very hot that day. But inspire all of that, we do our work with some help from the resident of Kg. Sg. Judah.

( Painting together with the scout's team)

( Relaxing after finish painting)

( We are putting the banner in front of the library)

( Arranging the stuffs at the proper place)

(mission complete)

Friday (5/10/07)
At 10.00am, we all went to Banting to meet with YB Dato' Seri Dr Shafie bin Hj Mohd Salleh,Kuala Langat's Parlimen Member, to get funds and support from him for project. After that, we all went to Hardware Shop to buy Paint, Brush, Roller and a nice blue Mat. Then, we went back to school to store all the stuff and have some meeting with the scout team to get help from them to painting the Mini Library at Kg. Sg. Judah, on Saturday.

(with Dato'Shafie bin Haji Mohd.Salleh)
( Selecting suitable paint colour and brush)

(Choosing nice blue rubber mat)
Week 6

EXAM FINALLY OVER!!!we get back together with new and dynamic ideas... I think....
What a relief.... We get back together and continue our discussions...
We're planning to meet Dato' Seri Dr Shafie bin Hj Mohd Salleh,Kuala Langat's Parlimen Member...
but unfortunately he's not around,instead we went to NEC Semi Conductor(M) Sdn Bhd to get the stuff.
They're so kindly donated for our project..(^^,)..:
-823 novel + book from NEC.
-131 megazines and others.
very-very thank to:
-Tn. Hj Nazamudin mahmudin

( Retreive books and magazines from NEC)

And then, we meet with Dato' Haji Abd. Fatah b. Haji Iskandar,member of selangor exco...
he's so kindly and want to give some donated to our project....
What more we need for this project to done clearly...
Dato Fatah can help....

After that all activities, all of the facilities that we get from NEC, we send it to the Mini Library Project in Kampung Sungai Judah.

Week 3,4,5

Nothing done here because all of us is going through SPM and STPM trial....
but our project advisor is still working hard to get help from the 'big' people...
3 hours non stop sitting in a chair,our rear end sore... hahaha.....

Week 2

GOOD NEWS!!we're shortlisted to the next level.. Phew.. what a suprise...
now the pressure is on...
First discussion as a team... we seriously planned our project... what to do..?!?
We start thinking about funding,materials,how the project will done and stuff also...
We finally give our group name after thinking about an hours.... hehehe.. we are called "AVANT_GARDE".....
We went to Kg Org Asli sg Judah to see the project site(picture is show below).
We also meet up with the head village(Tok Batin),Ata Anak Ya...
he's nice... he looked happy with our project....
And we meet Rita a/p Asih,the person who's running the place...
they're very glad to hear our proposal..

Week 1

We drafted a proposal for the project for maxis cyberlinq competition.
Our project is to build a mini library at Kg Orang Asli Sungai Judah,
Pulau Carey,then we submitted ourteam's detail.The sevensome... plus our advisor..
we then build our blog... then,what we can do is cross our finger

-Home sweet home-
This is it reality....